Prayers Srila ParamGurudeva

Prayers at His Lotus Feet

Namah Om Vishnupadaya rupanuga priyaya cha,
srimate bhakti dayita madhav swami namine

krishnabhinna prakash sri murtaye dintarine,
kshamaguna avtaraya gurve prabhave namah

satirth-priti saddharma guru-priti pradarshine,
ishodyan prabhavasya prakashakaya te namah

sri kshetre prabhupadasya sathanoddhar sukirtaye
saraswata ganananda samvarddhnaya te namah

I make prostrated obeisances repeatedly to the Lotus Feet of Revered Gurudeva His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Shreemat Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Who is dear to the devoted entourage of Rupa Goswami, Embodiment of non-distinct Manifestation of Sree Krishna, gracious to the wretched, Incarnation of Forgiveness and who by showing the example of Love of Gurudeva by serving His god-brothers and revealing the glories of Ishodyan, immensely increases the joy of the hearts of His god-brothers by His conspicious glorious deed of recovering the Holy Birthsite of Sreela Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad* at Sree Kshetra (Puri).


1 comment:

Jai Gurudeva